Why AtomPay?

We see you, ambitious hustler!
The freelancer that's juggling multiple clients across 3 different time zones
The side-hustler that's balancing a full-time career and their latest passion project
The up-and-coming Instagram influencer that's making the jump to the next social media platform to grow their audience
The consultant that just called it quits from their day job to go all in on their business venture.
Work as a solo-entrepreneur is hard. The long hours, demanding clients and constant flow of deadlines.

AtomPay Graphic for We See You Hustler

We know,  we've been there.

We also understand how difficult it is to get paid.
The constant "Do you have Venmo?" conversation. The delayed invoices and the needless negotiations.

Payment processing Venmo PayPal hustler

We also understand the opportunity

Freelancers and side hustlers now have a greater audience than ever before.
A person in 2020 has an average of 8.4 social media accounts. You're constantly working on new content for your social media, why not start monetizing that?

Hustler monetize audience graphic

So we set out to build the easiest platform for solo-entrepreneurs to get paid.

  • No downloads: AtomPay is accessible for both the buyer and seller with one link. No downloads, ever. Your buyer doesn't even need to create an account.
  • No back and forth: AtomPay is a payment layer, meaning it works regardless of what platform you, the buyer, or the seller is on. And you both don't need to be on the same platform!
  • No noise: You know what you charge and you shouldn't budge. AtomPay enables you to set a specific price for a specific service. Charging a $1000 monthly retainer rate? Great! How about $10 for access to a digital ebook? Perfect. We provide a frictionless way for freelancers, side-hustlers, influencers and content creators to get paid.
  • One shareable link: We know today's world is more digital than ever before. One link is all you need to share; tweet it out on Twitter, put it in your Instagram bio, send it to your potential client, or share your QR code. The possibilities are endless.
  • Getting paid should be your last worry. Not your first.

We are AtomPay.